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Salt Room

Welcome to the world of Halotherapy and discover an all natural solution for respiratory issues and skin discomforts. 


The Salt Room at Epic Nutrition is the newest health trend in the United States, Halotherapy.  Some of the many benefits you’ll receive from the Halotherapy include:


  • Abatement of bronchial inflammation

  • Removal of airborne pollen particles from airways

  • Strengthening of immune system that decreases allergic reaction to pollen

  • Cleansing and sanitation of the airways

  • Prevention & treatment of the common cold & flu

  • Improvement of dermatological disorders such as acne, dermatitis and psoriasis

  • Reduction of snoring

  • Better sleep

  • Reduction of anxiety 


Halotherapy has been around for hundreds of years in Europe. Thousands of salt rooms and caves are operating to provide salt therapy experiences. 

Halotherapy, or salt therapy, is a drug free and all natural, non-invasive treatment used to alleviate a multitude of health conditions.

  • How does Salt Therapy work?
    A machine called a halogenerator grinds salt to the size of 1-5 micrometers to produce a dry salt aerosol. While sitting in the room for 45 minutes, the fine salt is able to travel to the deepest part of the lungs in addition to other parts of the respiratory tract. As salt enters the lungs and respiratory tract it dissolves bacteria and pollutants and works to get rid of the mucous and open constricted airways.
  • What conditions can be treated with salt therapy?
    Allergies, asthma, breathing difficulties/chest tightness, bronchitis, cold/flu prevention, COPD, ear infections, eczema, hay fever, psoriasis, rhinitis, sinusitis, smokers cough, snoring/sleep apnea
  • How many sessions does a person need to take or how often should you go?
    This varies widely among individuals and the condition being treated is a big factor. Some conditions and more mild symptoms will improve or dissipate within just a couple sessions. You may have some relief after one session; however, for the best results we recommend a series of treatments. Those with chronic conditions most likely need to come twice a week for the first 6-8 weeks. Those who come for stress relief and relaxation simply come as often as they like. For many conditions; after a series of sessions, symptoms subside and relief can last for several months before another session is needed. Sessions can also be used as a preventative measure to strengthen the immune system against colds, cough, allergies & sinusitis.
  • What kind of salt is used?
    We have a pharmaceutical grade salt that is used in our halogenerator which is released into the room.
  • What should be worn when receiving therapy in The Salt Room & is the room hot or cold?
    Our Salt Room is at a temperature of 65-70 and 40-60% humidity so we recommend dressing in layered (in case you get cold) comfortable clothing that allows you to relax and breathe freely. For clients who have skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema, we recommend that you expose those areas, so a T-shirt and shorts would work in that case for maximum exposure. You can go barefoot or we have booties to go over your feet. Additionally, we ask visitors to refrain from wearing perfumes or fragrances as a courtesy to other visitors who may have an allergy or sensitivity.
  • Are there any side effects?
    Typically there are none but some individuals have experience a slight throat tickle which can be treated with gargling warm to hot water. If you experience increased coughing due to mucous buildup that means the salt therapy treatment is working. This is the body's way of draining the mucous buildup.
  • How sterile is the salt room and could someone pick up germs?
    Salt naturally absorbs bacteria. We also have a ventilation system that works throughout the entire session to circulate the air in the room, exhausting used air out and clean, fresh air in. There is no recycling of air back into the salt room. All chairs are wiped down frequently.
  • Is The Salt Room safe for pregnant women?
    Salt therapy is safe for women at any stage of pregnancy. Pregnancy can affect women in different ways, we encourage you to consult your doctor if you have specific questions or concerns.
  • How often are appointments taken?
    Walk ins only! Each session will last 45 minutes.

Frequently Asked Questions

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